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Revised Trinity Hymnal (OPC, PCA) (1990)

Denomination: American Presbyterian Church - Published by Unknown Publisher

1. All People That on Earth Do Dwell by Louis Bourgeois (or William Kethe & Scottish Psalt
2. O Worship the King by Johann M. Haydn
3. Give to Our God Immortal Praise by Isaac Watts and Ralph Harrison
4. All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above by
5. God, My King, Thy Might Confessing by Richard Mant and C. Friedrich Witt
6. O Come, My Soul, Bless Thou the Lord by James Walch (1875)
7. From All That Dwell below the Skies by John Hatton (1793)
8. Mighty God, While Angels Bless You by Albert Lowe (1868)
9. All You That Fear Jehovah's Name by Frederick M. A. Venua (ca. 1810; arr.)
10. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! by Albert Lowe (1868)
11. Now blessed be the Lord our God by (1650) Scottish Psalter
12. Exalt the LORD, His Praise Proclaim by Franz J. Haydn (1798)
13. O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord by based on Psalm 95
14. New songs of celebration render by Erik Routley
15. Stand Up and Bless the Lord by Aaron Williams
16. Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord by John Hatton (1793)
17. Ye Heavens Adore Him by John H. Wilcox (1849)
18. You Holy Angels Bright by John Darwall (1770)
19. Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord! by Frederick M.A. Venua (ca. 1810; arr.)
20. Let all the world in every corner sing by Robert G. McCutchan
21. Sing Praise to the Lord! by C. Hubert H. Parry (1894)
22. O that I had a thousand voices by Johann Mentzer tr/ad by Arthur William Farlander &
23. God of Gods, We Sound His Praises by Christian Strover (1973)
24. Vast the Immensity, Mirror of Majesty by Michael Baughen (1973)
25. O Light that knew no dawn by Gregory of Nazianzus tr/ad by John Brownlie
26. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord by Walter Greatorex, 1877-1949 (alt.)
27. Great God, How Infinite Art Thou! by Christopher Tye (1533)
28. O God, the Rock of Ages by
29. The Lord has heard and answered prayer by 1912 The Psalter
30. Our God, Our Help in Ages Past by
31. Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard by Lowell Mason (1832)
32. Great Is Thy Faithfulness by Thomas O. Chisholm
33. Let us with a gladsome mind by Author Unknown
34. The God of Abraham Praise by Daniel ben Judah tr/ad by Thomas Olivers
35. My God, How Wonderful Thou Art by Frederick W. Faber and Thomas Ravenscroft
36. Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me by
37. All That I Am I Owe to Thee by Henry K. Oliver (1832)
38. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise by Walter C. Smith
39. O God, Most Holy Are Your Ways by
40. God is our refuge and our strength by (1650) Scottish Psalter
41. The Praises of Thy Wonders, Lord by Jeremiah Clarke, ca. 1670-1707
42. El-Shaddai by John Thompson (1981)
43. You Righteous, in the Lord Rejoice by
44. How Great Thou Art by Stuart K. Hine (1953)
45. Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty by Ronald Alan Matthews (1985)
46. Round the Lord in glory seated by Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1848-1918
47. God the Lord Is King by Dale Wood (b. 1934)
48. O Lord Most High, with All My Heart by
49. O Lord, Thou Judge of All the Earth by Graham George (1941)
50. O Lord, Be Thou My Helper True by Thomas Joseph Linekar, b. 1858
51. O Jehovah, Hear My Words by Joseph Parry (1879)
52. O Praise the Lord! O Thank the Lord! by Henry L. Mason (1923)
53. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty by Joachim Neander
54. Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise by
55. To God Be the Glory by William H. Doane
56. When all your mercies, O my God by
57. Hallelujah praise Jehovah O my soul by 1912 The Psalter
58. O splendor of God's glory bright by William Knapp (1738)
59. Forever settled in the heavens by 1912 The Psalter
60. Thy Mercy and Thy Truth, O Lord by
61. O God, No Longer Hold Thy Peace by William Croft (1708)
62. Sing to the LORD, Sing His Praise by Lowell Mason (1830)
63. Jehovah Reigns; Let Earth Be Glad by John Ambrose Lloyd, 1815-1874
64. God, the Lord, a King Remaineth by Henry Smart (1867)
65. Before Jehovah's Awesome Throne by
66. God is known among His people by 1912 The Psalter
67. Not unto Us, O LORD of Heaven by Ernest R. Kroeger, 1862-1934
68. The Earth, with All That Dwell Therein by
69. Thy God Reigneth! by James McGranahan, 1840-1907
70. With Glory Clad, with Strength Arrayed by
71. Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now by David G. Wilson, b. 1940
72. Amid the Fears That Oppress Our Day by Ronald Alan Matthews (1989)
73. Rejoice, All People, Homage Give by
74. God is working his purpose out by Martin Fallas Shaw, 1875-1958
75. O Father, You Are Sovereign by Melchior Teschner (ca. 1615)
76. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847), 1834
78. O Bless the Lord, My Soul by
79. My God, My God, O Why Have You Forsaken Me? by
80. Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee by
81. O love of God, how strong and true by Vernon Griffiths, b. 1894
82. Great God of Wonders! by John Newton, 1725-1807
83. O Praise the LORD, for He Is Good by Lee Hastings Bristol, Jr. (1951)
84. Under the Care of My God, the Almighty by Ira D. Sankey, 1840-1908
85. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want by Jesse Seymour Irvine (1872)
88. With grateful heart my thanks I bring by 1912 The Psalter
89. God is our strength and refuge by Richard T. Bewes
90. The man who once has found abode by Lowell Mason (1830)
91. Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord, and Hear by Griffith Hugh Jones, 1849-1919
92. A Mighty Fortress is our God by Martin Luther
93. The tender love a father has by 1912 The Psalter
94. How Firm a Foundation by Rippon
95. Though Troubles Assail Us by
96. Unto The Hills by Albert L. Peace (1885)
97. We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator by
98. Now Thank We All Our God by Martin Rinkart, Music by Johann C ruger
99. My song for ever shall record The tender by 1912 The Psalter
100. Holy, Holy, Holy! by John B. Dykes (1861)
102. All Glory Be to Thee, Most High by Unknown tr/ad by Unknown
103. Holy God, we praise your name by Ignace Franz & Hugh Thomas Henry
104. We Lift Up as Our Shield God's Name by
105. O God, We Praise Thee by
106. Father, Father of All Things by Neil Riley (1979)
107. Praise Ye the Father! by Friedrich F. Flemming (1811)
108. Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right by
109. Lord, My Weak Thought in Vain Would Climb by Robert Schumann (1839; arr.)
110. Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah by William J. Kirkpatrick, 1838-1921
111. This Is My Father's World by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901
112. Praise Ye, Praise Ye the Lord by Leonard Cooper Blanton (1951; alt.)
113. The Heavens Declare Thy Glory by Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750
114. Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name by Walter Bond Gilbert, 1829-1910
115. All Creatures Of Our God And King by Francis of Assisi, William H Draper
116. For the beauty of the earth For the by Folliott Sandford Pierpont
117. The spacious firmament on high by Joseph Addison
118. Come, Sound His Praise Abroad by Ronald Alan Matthews (1985)
119. I sing the almighty power of God by
120. All things bright and beautiful by Louis Spohr
121. Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him by Kenneth W. Coates, b. 1917 (Alt. 1990)
122. God, All Nature Sings Thy Glory by Ludwig von Beenhoven (1824; Arr.)
123. God of Everlasting Glory by John W. Peterson (1965)
124. Praise the Lord Our God by
125. Let all things now living by Author Unknown
126. My Soul, Bless the Lord! by Henry J. Gauntlett (1861)
127. With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud by
128. God Moves in a Mysterious Way by William Croft
129. I Belong to Jesus by M. A. Sea
130. Showers of Blessing by Daniel W. Whittle
131. Children of the Heavenly Father by Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg & Ernst Willi
132. O Rejoice in the Lord by Ronald Alan Matthews (1986)
133. God, Who Made the Earth by Robert G. McCutchan
134. God Will Take Care of You by W. Stillman Martin
135. God sees the little sparrow fall by Maria Straub
136. Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart by E. O. Sellars (1908)
137. Holy Bible, Book Divine by William B. Bradbury
138. The Heavens Declare Your Glory, Lord by Lowell Mason (1830)
139. Your Word Is like a Garden, Lord by Gottfried W. Fink (1842)
140. O Word of God incarnate by
141. God, in the gospel of his Son by
142. Lord, thy Word abideth by Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907
143. How precious is the book divine by William Gardiner (1812; Arr.)
144. Father of Mercies, in Your Word by John B. Dykes (1875)
145. The Spirit breathes upon the word by Thomas Hastings (1837)
146. Break Thou the Bread of Life by William F. Sherwin
147. O God of Light, Your Word, a Lamp Unfailing by David Evans (1927)
148. How Shall the Young Direct Their Way? by George Coles (1835)
149. Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth by George J. Elvey (1862)
150. The law of God is good and wise by Matthias Loy
151. Jehovah's Perfect Law by Ronald Alan Matthews (1985)
152. The Law of the Lord is Perfect by Anonymous (Alt. 1990)
153. Most perfect is the law of God by 1912 The Psalter
154. Thou Art The Way by Thomas A. Arne (1762)
155. O love, how deep, how broad, how high by Anonymous (1415)
156. O Lord, how shall I meet you by John Crüger (1653)
157. None Other Lamb, None Other Name by William Jeater (1907)
159. O Savior, Precious Savior by William Lloyd (1840; Alt. 1990)
160. Shepherd of Tender Youth by Ronald Alan Matthews (1985)
161. O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire by Henry W. Greatorex
162. Of The Father's Love Begotten by Henry W. Baker, trans: John M Neale
163. At the Name of Jesus by James Mountain
164. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing by Charles Wesley, 1707-88
165. Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim by Johann Michael Haydn, 1737-1806
166. Wondrous King, All-Glorious by Joachim Neander (1680; Alt. 1990)
167. When Morning Gilds the Skies by Sir Joseph Barnby (1868)
168. I greet thee, who my sure redeemer art by
169. My Heart Does Overflow by George William Martin (1862)
170. Fairest Lord Jesus by Traditional
172. Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder by
173. Praise Him! Praise Him! by Fanny J. Crosby
174. O Christ, Our King, Creator, Lord by William Henry Gladstone, 1840-1891
175. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord by William James Kirkpatrick (1890)
176. Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus by
177. O could I speak the matchless worth by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791
178. There Is No Name So Sweet on Earth by William B. Bradbury
179. Hallelujah! Thine the Glory by John J. Husband, 1760-1825
180. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story by Rowland H. Prichard
181. We Come, O Christ, to You by John Darwall (1770)
182. My song is love unknown by John Ireland, 1879-1962
183. Awake, My Soul, in Joyful Lays by
184. The King of love my Shepherd is Whose by Henry Williams Baker
185. Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned by Thomas Hastings
186. One There Is, above All Others by Heinrich Albert (1643)
187. There Were Ninety and Nine by Ira D. Sankey (1874)
188. Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting by James Mountain (1876)
189. Jesus loves me, this I know by Anna Bartlett Warner, 1859
190. I Think When I Read That Sweet Story of Old by
191. I am so glad that our Father in heaven by Philip Paul Bliss
192. I Am Jesus' Little Lamb by
193. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence by French Carol
194. O Come, O Come Emmanuel by
195. Joy to the world! by George Frederick Handel (1742)
196. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus by Rowland H. Prichard
197. Comfort, comfort ye my people by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
198. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates! by
199. See, amid the Winter's Snow by John Goss (1870)
200. It Came upon the Midnight Clear by Richard Storrs Willis (1850)
201. O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips Brooks, Lewis H. Redner
203. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Felix Mendelssohn
204. Away In A Manger by James R. Murray
206. Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning by James P. Harding (1892)
207. Good Christian Men Rejoice by John M. Neale (translated).
208. O Come, All Ye Faithful by John Francis Wade
209. Christians, awake, salute the happy morn by John Wainwright, 1723-1768
210. Silent Night! Holy Night! by Franz Gruber (1818)
211. God rest you merry, gentlemen by
212. Within a Crib My Savior Lay by Norman L. Warren, b. 1934
213. What Child Is This? by William Chatterton Dix
214. Angels we have heard on high Sweetly by Traditional French Carol tr/ad by James Chadwick
215. While by the sheep we watched at night by
216. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly by
217. All my heart this night rejoices by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676), 1653
218. Angels, from the realms of glory by Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-1879
219. All Praise to Thee, Eternal Lord by Robert Schumann (1839; arr.)
220. From heaven high I come to you by
221. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming by
222. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Nahum Tate
224. Go, Tell It on the Mountain by John W. Work, Jr.
225. Once In Royal David's City by Cecil F. Alexander
226. As With Gladness Men of Old by William C. Dix
227. On Christmas night all Christians sing by Traditional English Carol
228. Saw You Never, in the Twilight by
229. Gentle Mary Laid Her Child by
230. Thou who wast rich beyond all splendor by Frank Houghton (1894-1972), 1934
231. Lovely Child, Holy Child by
232. O Jesus Sweet, O Jesus Mild by Samuel Scheidt (1650)
233. To us a Child of hope is born by Michael Bruce & John Morrison
234. Tell Me the Story of Jesus by John R. Sweney
235. All Glory Laud and Honor by Theodulph of Orleans, Trans by John M. Neale
236. When His Salvation Bringing by Berthold Tours (1872)
237. Ride On! Ride On in Majesty! by John B. Dykes
238. My Dear Redeemer and My Lord by Henry K. Oliver (1832)
239. Who is this, so weak and helpless by William Walsham How, 1867
240. The King of Glory Comes by
241. Thou Dost Reign on High by T. Richard Matthews (1876)
242. Not All the Blood of Beasts by William Henry Walter (1825-1893) (1894)
243. Praise the Savior Now and Ever by
244. He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions by Merrill Dunlop (1941; Alt. 1990)
245. As Jacob with Travel Was Weary by Anonymous & Evangelical Association Hymns
246. Man of Sorrows! What a Name by Philip P. Bliss (1875)
247. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded by Hans Leo Hassler
248. Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended by Johann Heermann (1585-1647);
249. 'Tis Midnight! and on Olive's Brow by William B. Bradbury (1853)
250. Throned upon the awful tree by
251. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus by Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane
252. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Lowell Mason
253. There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood by Lowell Mason (1830)
254. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed by Isaac Watts, Ralph E. Hudson
255. O Jesus, We Adore Thee by William Lloyd (1840; Alt. 1990)
256. There is a green hill far away by William Horsley, 1744-1858
257. Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted by
258. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing by John Stainer (1887)
259. Hark! the Voice of Love and Mercy by Henry Purcell (c. 1680, adapt.)
260. Were You There? by
261. What wondrous love is this by
262. O come and mourn with me awhile by Frederick William Faber
263. Lift High the Cross by George William Kitchin
264. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross by William H. Doane
265. Come, ye faithful, raise the strain by Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1842-1900
267. The Day of Resurrection! by Henry Smart (1836; alt. 1990)
268. "Welcome, happy morning!" age to age shall say by Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1842-1900
270. Good Christian Men Rejoice by John M. Neale (translated).
271. Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem by Thomas Jarman (c. 1803)
272. O sons and daughters, let us sing by
273. Jesus Christ is risen today by Robert Williams
274. Thine Be the Glory by Edmond Budry (1854-1932), 1884;
275. The strife is o'er, the battle done by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
276. Up from the Grave He Arose by Robert Lowry (1974)
277. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
278. That Easter day with joy was bright by
279. Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands by Martin Luther tr/ad by Richard Massie
280. Christ is risen from the dead by Norman Warren, b. 1934
281. I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Glory, Hallelujah! by
282. Lift up, lift up your voices now by J. Baptiste Calkin (1872)
283. Alleluia! Alleluia! by Ludwig van Beethoven
284. This joyful Eastertide by Joachim Oudaen
285. Jesus, Lord, Redeemer by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1925)
286. Worship Christ, the Risen King! by Henry T. Smart (1867)
287. Morning Sun by James C. Ward (1975)
288. Jesus Christ Has Triumphed Now by John F. Wilson (1929-) (1974)
289. A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing! by E. Power Biggs, 1906-1977
290. Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise by Charles Wesley, William Henry Monk
291. See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph by Henry Smart (1868)
292. Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord by Charles V. Stanford (1904)
293. Golden Harps Are Sounding by Frances R. Havergal (1871)
294. The Golden Gates Are Lifted Up by Arthur Cottman (1872)
295. Crown Him With Many Crowns by George J. Elvey
296. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward Perronet/Oliver Holden
298. The head that once was crowned with thorns by Author Unknown
299. Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious by William H. Monk (1871)
300. Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power by
301. Join All the Glorious Names by John Darwall
302. Come Christians Join to Sing by Author Unknown
303. Blessed Jesus, at thy word by Johann R. Ahle (1664)
304. I heard the voice of Jesus say by John B. Dykes
305. Arise, My Soul, Arise by Glad
306. Jesus, My Great High Priest by John Goss (1853)
307. Nothing But The Blood by Robert Lowry (1826-1899)
308. Jesus Paid It All by Larnelle Harris
309. Rejoice, The Lord is King by John Darwall
311. Hail to the Lord's anointed by Samuel S. Wesley (1864)
312. O God, Your Judgments Give the King by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
313. Unto my Lord Jehovah said by Irish Psalter
314. O wherefore do the nations rage by 1912 The Psalter
315. He Walks among the Golden Lamps by Noël Tredinnick (1973)
316. The Mighty God, the Lord by George J. Elvey (1868)
317. Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying by Philipp Nicolai (1591)
318. Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending by
319. Day of judgment Day of wonders Hark the by John Newton
320. Rejoice, All Ye Believers by Henry Smart (1836; alt. 1990)
321. Great God, What Do I See and Hear! by Martin Luther, 1483-1546
322. O quickly come, dread Judge of all by Lawrence Tuttiett, 1854
323. Ten thousand times ten thousand by Henry Alford, 1867
324. Christ is Coming! by Joachim Neander (168; alt. 1990)
325. When He Cometh, When He Cometh by George Frederick Root, 1820-1895
326. Thou Art Coming, O My Savior by William H. Monk (1875)
327. One Day He's Coming by Charles H. Marsh (1910)
328. My Lord, What a Mourning by
329. Come, O Creator Spirit Blest by Ignaz J. Pleyel (1815; arr.)
330. Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness by George Henry Day, 1883-1966
331. Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit by Charles Gounod (1872)
332. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
333. Gracious Spirit, Dove Divine by Louis M. Gottschalk (1867; arr.)
334. Breathe On Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)
335. Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me by Richard Redhead (1853)
336. Spirit, Strength of All the Weak by John Henry Gower (1891)
337. O Spirit of the living God in all the by James Montgomery
338. Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart by Frederick C. Atkinson
339. For Your Gift of God the Spirit by William P. Rowlands (1905)
340. Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell by Henry K. Oliver (1832)
341. O Breath of Life, Come Sweeping through Us by Mary J. Hammond (ca. 1920)
342. Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation by Joachim Neander
344. O 'Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear by H. Walford Davies, 1869-1941
345. Glorious things of thee are spoken by Franz Joseph Haydn
346. Hail to the Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning! by Lowell Mason (1830)
347. The Church's One Foundation by Samuel J. Stone
348. Jesus, with thy church abide by John Henry Gower (1891)
349. O Thou Who the Shepherd of Israel art by
350. Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded by Thomas Hastings (1830)
351. Built on the Rock the Church doth stand by Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig tr/ad by Carl D
352. Renew thy church, her ministries restore by
353. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord by Aaron Williams
354. Jesus Christ, Our Sure Foundation by Hughes M. Huffman (1970)
355. We Are God's People by Johannes Brahms
356. How Beautiful the Sight by John B. Dykes, 1823-1876
357. Let our choir new anthems raise by Joseph the Hymnographer, ninth century
358. For All the Saints by Ralph Vaughan Williams
359. Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett and Johann G. Nageli
360. When in his might the Lord by 1912 The Psalter
361. O Praise Ye the Lord by C. Hubert Parry (1894)
362. O People Blest, Whose Sons in Youth by Charles G. Goodrich (1905)
363. We Gather Together by Glad
364. Let children hear the mighty deeds by Isaac Watts & Bernhard Schumacher
365. Unless the Lord the house shall build by 1912 The Psalter
366. My People, Give Ear, Attend to My Word by William Croft (1706)
367. The Lord will come and not be slow by Jeremiah Clarke (1701)
368. The ends of all the earth shall hear by 1912 The Psalter
369. Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns by
370. Revive thy work, O Lord by William Henry Walter (1825-1893) (1894)
371. O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely by David Evans (1865)
372. Praise waits for Thee in Zion by 1912 The Psalter
373. Within Your Temple, Lord by
374. Arise, O Lord Our God, Arise by
375. Lord of the worlds above by Isaac Watts, 1719
376. Open now thy gates of beauty by Benjamin Schmolck tr/ad by Katherine Winkworth
377. Jesus, Where'er Your People Meet by Ralph Harrison (1784)
378. Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face by Warren Swenson, b. 1937
379. Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now by
380. Father, Again in Jesus' Name We Meet by Sir Joseph Barnby (1872)
381. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship by William Moore
382. God himself is with us by Joachim Neander (1680)
383. Almighty God, your word is cast by Roy Henry Johnson, b. 1933
384. Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing by John Fawcett, Melody Sicilian
385. God be with you till we meet again by William G. Tomer (1880)
387. Now May He Who from the Dead by Louis M. Gottschalk (1867; arr.)
388. Savior, again to thy dear Name we raise by Edward John Hopkins, 1818-1901
389. This Is the Day the Lord Has Made by Thomas A. Arne
390. Lord of the Sabbath, Hear Us Pray by
391. Safely through another week by Lowell Mason (1824; alt. 1990)
392. O day of rest and gladness by Christopher Wordsworth, 1862
393. Come, Let Us Join with One Accord by John B. Dykes (1875)
394. This day at Thy creating Word First over by William Walsham How
395. Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun by Thomas Ken and Melody Fracois H. Barthelemon
396. Come, my soul, thou must be waking by Franz Joseph Haydn (1791; arr.)
397. Light of Light, Enlighten Me by Uzziah C. Burnap (1869)
398. Christ, whose glory fills the skies by Malcolm Williamson, b. 1931
399. Lord, as the day begins by Timothy Dudley-Smith
400. O bless our God with one accord by
401. All Praise to You, My God, This Night by Thomas Tallis (c. 1561)
402. fast falls the eventide by William Henry Monk, 1823-1889
403. Savior Breathe An Evening by George C. Stebbins (1878)
404. Sun of My soul, Thou Savior Dear by John Keble
405. God, that Madest Earth and Heaven by Reginald Heber, Richard Whately
406. Now the day is over by Joseph Barnby, 1838-1896
407. The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Is Ended by Clement C. Scholefield (1874)
408. Day is dying in the west by William F. Sherwin (1877)
409. Softly now the light of day by Carl Maria von Weber (1826; arr.)
410. Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear by Heinrich von Laufenburg, 1459;
411. Shine Thou upon Us, Lord by
412. See Israel's Gentle Shepherd Stand by Sir Joseph Barnby (1881)
413. Our Children, Lord in Faith and Prayer by Sylvanus B. Pond, 1792-1871
414. Dear Lord, Today Our Child by Calvin A. Busch (1954)
415. Baptized into Your Name Most Holy by Georg Neumark (1657)
416. Gracious Savior, Gentle Shepherd by William L. Viner (1845)
417. A little Child the Saviour came The by William Robinson
418. O King Eternal, Sovereign Lord by John B. Dykes (1865)
419. In Your Arms, Lord Jesus Christ by Norman L. Warren (1969)
420. At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing by George J. Elvey (1859)
421. Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness by Johann Crüger (1649)
422. Twas on that night when doomed to know by John Morrison
423. According to Thy Gracious Word by James Montgomery
424. Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
425. Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken by Reginald Heber and Fr. Henri Chapieu
426. Till He come O let the words Linger on by Edward Henry Bickersteth
427. Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands by
428. Not Worthy, Lord! by (1835)
429. Let thy Blood in mercy poured by Johann Crüger (165; arr.)
430. I hunger and I thirst by John Samuel Bewley Monsell, Jr., 1866
431. A Parting Hymn We Sing by Johann G. Nageli
432. We Give Thee But Thine Own by Joseph Barnby
433. O God of mercy, God of might by Godfrey Thring (1823-1903)
434. Lord, Thou Lov'st the Cheerful Giver by John Zundel, 1815-1882 (1870; alt. 1990)
435. Lord of All good, We Bring Our Gifts to You by Sydney Watson (1964)
436. Zion, Founded on the Mountains by Robert Edwards (1837)
437. O God, to Us Show Mercy by J. Michael Haydn, 1737-1806 (adapt.)
438. All Lands, to God in Joyful Sounds by William Shrubsole (1779)
439. Christ Shall Have Dominion by Albert Piersma (1933)
440. Ye Christian Heralds, Go Proclaim by Heinrich C. Zeuner (1832)
441. Jesus Shall Reign by John Hatton
442. Arise, O God by John David Edwards (ca. 1840)
443. Hark! the Voice of Jesus Crying by
444. O Zion, Haste, Your Mission High Fulfilling by James Walch (1875)
445. Bring Them In by William A. Ogden, 1841-1897
446. Fling out the banner let it float Sky by George Washington Doane
447. Christ for the world we sing by Felice de Giardini (1769)
448. We Have Heard the Joyful Sound by Josiah Booth
449. We Rest on Thee by Jean Sibelius (1899; arr.)
450. So Send I You by John W. Peterson
451. The Sending, Lord, Springs by Charles V. Stanford (1904)
452. Macedonia by Henry S. Cutler (1872)
453. All Authority and Power by Joachim Neander (1680)
455. And Can It Be That I Should Gain? by Thomas Campbell (1825)
456. By grace I'm saved grace free by Christian Ludwig Scheidt tr/ad by Composite
457. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson, 1758
458. What Tho' I Cannot Break My Chain by Thomas A. Arne (1762)
459. I Am Not Skilled to Understand by William J. Kirkpatrick (1885)
460. Amazing Grace! by John Newton
461. Not What My Hands Have Done by George William Martin, 1828-1881
462. Grace! 'Tis a Charming Sound by
463. A Debtor to Mercy Alone by David Emlyn Evans
464. I was a wandering sheep by John Zundel, 1815-1882 (1855)
465. Marvelous grace of our loving Lord by Daniel B. Towner (1910)
466. I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew by J. Harold Moyer, b. 1927
467. Wonderful Grace of Jesus by Haldor Lillenas
468. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place by André Grétry, 1741-1831
469. How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place by
470. How Vast the Benefits Divine by Gottfried W. Fink (1842)
471. 'Tis not that I did choose thee by John Baptiste Calkin (1887; alt. 1990)
472. Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched by William Owen (1852)
473. Jesus Sinners Doth Receive by Johann Crüger (1653; arr.)
474. Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow by Lewis Edson (ca. 1782)
475. Come to the Savior Now by Frederick C. Maker (1895)
476. The Light of The World Is Jesus by Philip P. Bliss (1875)
477. Are You Weary, Are You Languid by Henry Williams Baker (1868)
478. I Love to Tell the Story by William G. Fischer
479. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling by Will Lamartine Thompson & James Calvin Bushey
480. Come, for the Feast Is Spread by Robert Lowry (1871)
481. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus by Helen H. Lemmel
482. Come unto Me ye weary And I will by William Chatterton Dix
483. We sing the glorious conquest by
484. I Hear Thy Welcome Voice by Lewis Hartsough
485. O Thou That Hear'st When Sinners Cry by
486. God, Be Merciful to Me by Richard Redhead (1853)
487. In Thy wrath and hot displeasure by C. Hubert H. Parry (1897)
488. Remember Not, O God by Ludwig von Beethoven (1807, adapt.)
489. Lord, like the Publican I Stand by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932
490. Out of the Deep I Call by William Daman (1579)
491. Take Me, O My Father, Take Me by Dimitri Bortniansky (1818)
492. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing by Justin H. Knecht (1799)
493. We have not known Thee as we ought by Thomas Benson Pollock
494. Forgive our sins as we forgive You by Rosamond E. Herklots
495. No, Not Despairingly Come I to Thee by Ann B. Spratt (1866)
496. Kind and Merciful God, We Have Sinned by
497. I Need Thee, Precious Jesus by William Lloyd (1840; alt. 1990)
498. Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! by Rowland Hugh Pritchard (1855)
499. Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me by Thomas Hastings
501. Just as I am, without one plea by William Batchelder Bradbury , 1816-1868
503. Out of My Bondage, Sorrow, and Night by George C. Stebbins
504. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus by Ethelbert W. Bullinger (1874)
505. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord by Isaac Watts
506. As when the Hebrew prophet raised by Isaac Watts
507. Approach, my soul, the mercy seat by Arthur Cottman (1874)
508. Jesus, Lover of My Soul by Joseph Parry (1879)
510. Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose by Charles Wesley
511. Jesus, and shall it ever be by Thomas B. Southgate (1855)
512. I Lay My Sins on Jesus by Samuel S. Wesley
513. Blessed Lord, in Thee Is Refuge by William Owen (1852)
514. For God So Loved by Stuart Dauermann (1972, 1975; alt. 1990)
515. How Lovely Shines the Morning Star! by Philipp Nicolai (1599)
516. Jesus, I Live to Thee by Robert Jackson (1888)
517. I've Found a Friend, O Such a Friend! by Arthur S. Sullivan (1875)
518. Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground by Henri A. César Malan (1827)
519. Fountain of Never-Ceasing Grace by William Croft (1708)
520. Jesus, thy blood and righteousness by Nicholaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, 1739
521. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less by Edward Mote
523. My Hope is in the Lord by Norman J. Clayton (1945)
524. Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ by John Darwall (1770)
525. A Child of the King by John B. Sumner
526. Blessed are the sons of God by Joseph Humphreys & Augustus Montague Toplady
527. The Beatitudes by Henry Baker (1854)
528. My faith looks up to thee by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
529. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling by Charles Wesley
530. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian by Frederick J. Work
531. Savior, Blessed Savior by Frances R. Havergal (1871)
532. Teach Me, O Lord, Thy Holy Way by
533. I Am Thine, O Lord by Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby
534. O for a closer walk with God by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
535. O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! by Thomas John Williams (1890)
536. Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase by John B. Dykes (1875)
537. Take Time To Be Holy by George C. Stebbins
538. More about Jesus would I know by John R. Sweney (1887)
539. Jerusalem the golden by Alexander Ewing
540. A few more years shall roll by Horatius Bonar, 1842
541. When the Roll is Called Up Yonder by James M. Black
542. Who are these like stars appearing by
543. Around the Throne of God in Heaven by Henry E. Matthews (ca. 1853)
544. How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine! by Gottfried W. Fink (1842)
545. When This Passing World Is Done by Arthur S. Sullivan (1867)
546. The Sands of Time Are Sinking by Chrétien Urhan (1834)
547. With Harps and with Viols by Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876
548. No Night There by Hart P. Danks
549. By the Sea of Crystal by John Vanderhoven (1933)
550. There is a land of pure delight by Isaac Watts, 1707
551. How blest is he whose trespass by 1912 The Psalter
552. From out the Depths I Cry, O Lord, to Thee by Charles H. Purday (1860)
553. My Sins, My Sins, My Savior! by John S .B. Monsell (1863)
554. From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee by
555. I Could Not See by Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1847-1918
556. Though your sins be as scarlet by Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby
557. Blest Are the Undefiled by Lowell Mason (1832)
558. That Man Is Blest Who, Fearing God by
559. Father, I Know That All My Life by Charles Steggal, 1826-1905
560. Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak by Robert A. Schumann (1839)
562. All to Jesus I Surrender by Winfield S. Weeden (1896)
563. What Kind of Man Can Live in the World by David G. Wilson (1973)
564. Blessed Is the Man by Michael Baughen (1969)
565. All For Jesus! All for Jesus! by John Stainer (1887)
566. Fear Not, O Little Flock by Edward Patrick Crawford, 1846-1912
567. Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray by
568. In the hour of trial by Spencer Lane (1879)
569. Jesus, Lord of life and glory by James J. Cummins, 1839
570. Faith of Our Fathers by Henri F. Henry (1864)
571. Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield
572. Onward Christian Soldiers by Arthur S. Sullivan
573. Am I a Soldier of the Cross? by Thomas A. Arne
574. Christian, dost thou see them by Greek, seventh century;
575. Soldiers of Christ, Arise by Charles Wesley
576. Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve by George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759
577. Stand Up, My Soul; Shake Off Your Fears by J. Baptiste Calkin (1872)
578. The Son of God goes forth to war by Henry S. Cutler (1872)
579. Dare to Be a Daniel! by Philip P. Bliss (1873)
580. Lead On O King Eternal by Ernest Warburton Shurtleff
581. Fight The Good Fight by G & J Wilkins
582. Yield Not to Temptation by Horatio Richmond Palmer (1868)
583. Fountain of Good, to Own Thy Love by Thomas Turton, 1780-1864
584. Go, Labor On by Boyd (1868)
585. Take my life, and let it be by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
587. Who Is On The Lord's Side? by Caradog Roberts, 1878-1935
589. Fill thou my life, O Lord my God by Horatius Bonar, 1866
590. Jesus, Master, Whose I Am by Dmitri Bortniansky, 1752-1825 (arr.)
591. Jesus Calls Us by William H. Jude (1874)
592. Jesus bids us shine by Edwin O. Excell, 1851-1921
593. Take thou our minds, dear Lord by George Lomas (1876)
594. Hope of the World by V. Earle Copes (1963)
595. Let Your Heart Be Broken by James Mountain
596. You Came to Us, Dear Jesus by R. R. Terry, 1865-1938
597. Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire by Hal H. Hopson
598. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah by William Williams
599. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us by William B. Bradbury
600. O Blessed Thought! by William B. Bradbury (1864)
601. Jesus Savior, Pilot Me by John E. Gould (1871)
602. O God, My Faithful God by Ahasuerus Fritsch (1679)
603. He who would valiant be by Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-1944
604. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart by Arthur H. Messiter
605. All The Way My Savior Leads Me by Fanny J. Crosby, 1875
606. Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord by B. Mansell Ramsey (1919)
607. Thy Loving-kindness, Lord is Good and Free by Edward J. Hopkins (1869)
608. To God my earnest voice I raise by 1912 The Psalter
609. Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me? by Johann G. Ebeling (1666)
610. "Take Up Your Cross," the Savior Said by Henry Baker (1854)
611. I want Jesus to walk with me by
612. O Lord, Be Gracious to Me by Norman L. Warren (1973)
613. Give thanks unto the Lord Jehovah by
614. Now Israel May Say, and That in Truth by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
615. Come, Ye Disconsolate by Samuel Webbe
616. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Anthony J. Showalter
617. My Anchor Holds by Daniel B. Towner, 1850-1919
618. His Eye Is On The Sparrow by Deniece Williams
619. A Shelter in the Time of Storm by Ira D. Sankey (1885)
621. Sometimes a light surprises by John Hullah (1867)
622. I Waited for the Lord Most High by Sir Joseph Barnby (1883)
623. Moment By Moment by May Whittle Moody
624. Through all the changing scenes of life by Nicholas Brady
625. Tell Me the Old, Old Story by William H. Doane (1869)
626. O Lord, by Grace Delivered by
627. Behold the Throne of Grace! by Jonathan C. Woodman (1844)
628. Come, my soul, thy suit prepare by John Newton, 1780
629. What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Charles C. Converse
630. Eternal Father Strong to save Whose arm by William Whiting & Robert Nelson Spencer &
631. From every stormy wind that blows by Hugh Stowell
632. When the Weary, Seeking Rest by William H. Callcott (1867)
633. Father, We Thank You for the Night by Daniel Batchellor (1885)
634. Sweet Hour Of Prayer by Ivory Sessions
635. How good it is to thank the Lord by 1912 The Psalter
636. Can a Little Child like Me by W. K. Basswood
637. What Shall I Render to My God by Lowell Mason (1832)
638. Savior, Thy dying love Thou gavest me by Robert Lowry (1871)
639. Thy Life Was Given for Me by John H. Gower (1895)
640. My Tribute by Andrae Crouch
641. How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me by Arthur H. Mann (1883)
642. Be Thou My Vision by Traditional Irish Melody
643. Judge Me, God of My Salvation by
644. May the Mind of Christ My Savior by A. Cyril Barham-Gould (1925)
645. Jesus, the very thought of thee by John B. Dykes
646. Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts by Henry Baker (1854)
647. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds by Thomas Hastings
649. More Love to Thee, O Christ by William H. Doane
650. I Will Sing of My Redeemer by James McGranahan
651. He Lifted Me by Charles H. Gabriel (1905)
652. Savior, Teach Me, Day By Day by Georg C. Strattner (1691)
653. Jesus Is All The World to Me by Will L. Thompson
654. O Jesus, I Have Promised by John Ernest Bode
655. O safe to the Rock that is higher than I by William Orcutt Cushing
656. Jesus, Priceless Treasure by Johann Crüger (1653)
657. In Sweet Communion, Lord, with Thee by
658. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all by Henry Collins, 1854
659. Let Us Praise God Together by
660. O God Beyond All Praising by Gustav T. Holst
661. As pants the hart for cooling streams by New Version of the Psalms of David, 1696
662. As the Hart Longs for Flowing Streams by
663. O God Eternal, You Are My God! by
664. Call Jehovah Your Salvation by Richard Dirksen (1977)
665. What Time I Am Afraid by Uzziah C. Burnap (1895)
666. In Silence My Soul Is Waiting by Christian Strover (1973)
667. God is my strong salvation by Melchior Vulpius (1609; arr.)
668. Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode by Arthur S. Sullivan (1875)
669. Commit Now All Your Griefs by George J. Elvey (1868)
670. If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee by Georg Neumark (1657)
671. Forever Trusting in the Lord by John H. Gower (1890)
672. Trust and Obey by Daniel B. Towner
673. Cast Your Burden on the Lord by Louis M. Gottschalk (1867; arr.)
674. I Need Thee Every Hour by Annie Sherwood Hawks, Robert Lowry
675. Only Trust Him by John H. Stockton
676. Day by day and With Each Passing Moment by Oscar Ahnfelt (1872)
677. Praise the Savior by
678. Trusting Jesus by Ira D. Sankey
679. 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus by Lou­i­sa M. R. Stead, 1882
680. Consider the Lilies by Tom Fettke (1977)
681. How gentle God's commands by Hans G. Nägeli, 1773-1836
682. In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust by
683. Not Haughty Is My Heart by
684. My Times Are in Thy Hand by
685. My Jesus, As Thou Wilt! by Carl Maria von Weber (1820)
686. Thy way, not mine, O Lord by Horatius Bonar, 1857
687. Make Me A Captive, Lord by Robert Jackson
688. Have Thine Own Way, Lord! by George C. Stebbins (1907)
689. Be Still, My Soul by Jean Sibelius (1899)
690. I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Wesley) by George Frederick Handel (1741; arr.)
691. It Is Well With My Soul by Horatio G. Spafford
692. To You, O Lord, I Fly by George William Martin (1862)
693. Blessed Assurance by Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp
694. Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee by Carl Maria von Weber (1826; arr.)
695. By Grace I Am an Heir of Heaven by Georg Neumark (1657)
696. I've Found the Pearl of Greatest Price! by Charles H. Purday, 1799-1885
697. Wonderful Words of Life by Philip P. Bliss
698. O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice by William McDonald
699. Like a River Glorious by James Mountain
700. Come, We That Love the Lord by Isaac Watts and Aaron Williams
701. Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! by A. L. Butler (1967)
702. Peace, Perfect Peace by George T. Caldbeck (1877)
703. Loved with everlasting love by James Mountain (ca. 1890)
704. Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace by Robert Witty
705. I Know Whom I Have Believed by James McGranahan
706. Jesus Lives, and So Shall I by Johann Crüger (1653; arr.)
707. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken by
708. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go by Albert L. Peace
709. Now I Belong To Jesus by Norman J. Clayton
710. God Of Our Fathers by Acappella America
711. God the All-Terrible! by Alexis Lwoff (1833)
712. O God of Love, O King of Peace by William Gardiner
713. Great King of nations, hear our prayer by
714. We Plow the Fields by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, 1747-1800 (1800)
715. Come, Ye Thankful People by George J. Elvey
716. Sing to the Lord of harvest by John Samuel Bewley Monsell
717. Blest the man that fears Jehovah by 1912 The Psalter
718. O Happy Home, Where Thou Art Loved by (1835)
719. A Christian Home by Jean Sibelius
720. Happy the Home When God Is There by John B. Dykes
721. O Father, All-Creating by John Baptiste Calkin (1887; alt. 1990)
722. O Perfect Love by Joseph Barnby
723. Come away to the skies by Author Unknown
724. The ten commandments by
725. The Lord's Prayer by Phil Driscoll
726. Spirit of the Living God by Michael Baughen, Daniel Iverson (1926)
727. Lead Me, Lord, Lead Me in Thy Righteousness by Samuel S. Wesley, 1810-1876
728. Hear Our Prayer, O Lord by George Whelpton (1897)
729. All Things Are Thine by
730. Benediction by Susan Ashton
731. Doxology by Larnelle Harris
734. Gloria Patri by Charles Meineke (1844)
737. Christ, We Do All Adore Thee by Theodore Dubois
738. Twofold Amen by Anonymous
740. Threefold Amen by Anonymous
741. The Apostle's Creed by George C. Miladin (1982)